Friday, March 7, 2014

Quick Refresh

 We have two refrigerators at our house. One in the kitchen and our second one is in the laundry room, like, a whole 5 feet away from the first one. When we first moved in I tried to keep the clutter to the second one, but having kids, it didn't take long for them both to fill up with art work and school work.

Every couple of months I clear off both refrigerators. I made the mistake of doing it during the day once and quickly learned it must be done in the cover of night. (You know, to avoid the tears and accusations. "YOU'RE THROWING AWAY MY SCRIBBLE-SCRABBLE?!?!" Seriously, those exact words have been thrown at me. I'm the worst.)

Ok, to the point. We have quite a few of those brightly colored letter magnets. They must hand them out at the hospital. They just seemed to appear. The letters got pretty close to not making the cut. That is, until I figured out how to give them a quick refresh. Enter my old friend...spray paint.

A very tiny change, but I'm enjoying it.

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